Birthers are some of the biggest whiners on the Internet. You will never see a birther taking responsibility for their own failures.
Case in point, the recent site failures at Birther Report. Even though this site is hosted by Google, they think that Obots are attacking it and that’s why a significant number of attempts to reach the site fail. Some think it’s a Google censorship project. Really, they just made a mistake with their DNS setting. Here’s the publisher of Birther Report whining about his site not working:
They’ll blame anything but their own incompetence.
And talking about whining, Birthers think that the mainstream media is censoring them. The media ignores them because their information doesn’t check out. Their claims fall apart under scrutiny. The basic premise is also a lie; birthers get lots of press coverage, just not favorable coverage. The birther movement succeeded in adding the word “birther” to the lexicon, but it connotes nut job conspiracy theorist. Ouch!
The worst may be a commenter named ramboike at Birther Report who whined about being called a whiner. 😳